Series 1, The D.N.A. of Discipleship is available as a free download or as a daily email. There is also a second series: the 5 Verbs of Learning

Series 1, The D.N.A. of Discipleship is available as a free download or as a daily email. There is also a second series: the 5 Verbs of Learning

40 Days of Discipleship

The 40 Days of Discipleship is a small group and 1-on-1 mentoring resource offered for free in English, Spanish and French . You can find more information here.

Our partner countries include:

English: Canada, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Jamaica, Nigeria, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Trinidad, UK, USA

Spanish: Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Equador, El Salvador, Guatemala. Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, USA

French: Burkina Faso, Canada, Haiti, Martinique, Rwanda