To self-describe is potentially misleading, because there is always a gap between who we would like to be and who we actually are, so, let’s say we’re a people in process. We are seeking a proper confidence in the gospel of Jesus Christ that allows room for growth through questions and struggle, faith and joy, curiosity and patience in the contradictions of life. We trust in Jesus Christ as the source and model of what we want to become, which looks something like:
living from an identity as the beloved of the Father;
being faithfully present to our neighbours and strangers;
generous with our space, orthodoxy, and resources;
attentive to those living on the margins;
advocating for justice and equality and acting against forces that oppress;
discovering the enchanted in the ordinary;
caring for the creation and all creatures;
patient and merciful towards our enemies and those who oppose God’s reign.
So much more could be said, so we invite you to connect to us in the various places we inhabit as Two Rivers Church and see what you might find!
Our story
In the summer of 2012 a small group of friends came together discerning a call to try and be the church amongst our neighbours and friends in downtown Guelph. The idea was to start paying attention to what God is up to amongst the people we live with, connect to the unique rhythms and qualities of our neighbourhood, and become faithfully present as a sign of God's reign.
Downtown Guelph is located at the intersection of two rivers (the Speed and Eramosa rivers) and we wanted our church’s name to reflect the place we inhabit.
We are a diverse group of friends consisting of some who have been connected to the church for a long time, some who have left church and are cautiously returning, and others who are exploring the Christian faith for the first time. We often like to refer to ourselves as a collection of strays, orphans, and exiles.
We are connected to a larger expression of the Christian church called the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and are grateful for their oversight and support of this venture.
Our theology
We trust that ‘God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself and not counting their trespasses against them’ (2 Cor. 5: 19), and that this is the heart of the good news for all humankind.
We are rooted in the Nicene Creed as a Trinitarian framework for interpreting our baptism and guiding our understanding of faith.
We participate in the missio dei, which understands God to be continually attending to the establishment of the kingdom on earth.
We trust that the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit to lead us into truth, wisdom, and the faith of the living Word, Jesus Christ.
We are part of the ecclesial tradition which counts itself Reformed and always reforming.
Our mission
Our mission is:
inviting all to come alive in Christ
Our task is :
forming apprentices of Jesus Christ who are empowered by the Holy Spirit for the sake of God’s mission
Our vision is: inhabiting vibrant micro-communities within an integrated network to participate in God’s mission
Our practices
Friendship - Cultivating trust, affection, vulnerability, and honesty with one another for mutual growth in a full humanity.
Storytelling - Sharing, in story and deed, the good news of what is becoming of the world in Jesus Christ.
Prayer - Prayer is the gift of participating through the Spirit in the Son’s communion with the Father.
Generosity - Living with open hands.
Celebrating the Table - Opening to the presence of Jesus when we gather at table.
Culture Making - Living out the Triune Creator's imperative to steward the earth as a precious gift, through artful and careful development
of what we have been given.
Invitation - making room for the other
Our leadership
We have a wonderful Leadership Team which consists of 4 women and men who attempt to keep 2RC in alignment with its stated purposes and strategies. This group is also listening for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit on where we need to change and grow through engagement with scripture, tradition, the voices of our participants, current ecclesiological thinking, and the places we inhabit.
Our new pastor is Rev. Andrew Hyde. Andrew is an ordained minister of the United Church of Canada, who also serves as the Ecumenical Chaplain (Anglican, Presbyterian, United) for the University of Guelph. To contact Andrew, email