On this episode, our guest is Glen Soderholm. He’s our pastor here at Two Rivers Church, and was the first guest on the podcast when we started two years ago. He’s returned to talk about an uncommon way of thinking about church as a community of spiritual practices. In this episode, we discuss the relationship between practices and beliefs, how to think about our beliefs in a post-Christendom age, and how maintaining our spiritual practices can support us when our beliefs fall short. In part two, we will talk about how Two Rivers Church applies these concepts to our spiritual practices.
Links and Resources for this episode:
What Is the Church? By David Fitch: https://www.commonword.ca/ResourceView/82/23114
Connect with us:
Our website: www.tworiverschurch.ca
By email: podcast@tworiverschurch.ca
Produced by Peter Szabo and Ian Van Harten