On this episode, our guest is Terry Wildman. He's the lead translator, general editor, and project manager of the First Nations Version, an Indigenous translation of the New Testament. A number of us at Two Rivers have spent much of the past year reading through the First Nations Version, and so we were pretty thrilled to meet with Terry and discuss how this work got started, the process of translating the New Testament, and the impact it's been having on Indigenous and non-Indigenous audiences.
More about the First Nations Version:
Website: https://firstnationsversion.com/
Sample reading from the book: https://firstnationsversion.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1359-1350-sampler.pdf
Terry’s article on the story of the First Nations Version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H4jGXSakaqvh3PSLFavjVT2CABUi4xMc/view?usp=sharing
Website for Terry and Darlene Wildman’s music: https://firstnationsversion.com/music/
Music for this episode:
'Song of the Bluebird'
(Darlene Wildman, Terry Wildman)
Performed by RainSong
Copyright 2015. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Connect with us:
- Our website: www.tworiverschurch.ca
- By email: podcast@tworiverschurch.ca
Produced by Peter Szabo and Ian Van Harten