Ep. 2 - The Four L's: Learning Rooms

Welcome to Strays, Orphans, and Exiles, a podcast about Two Rivers Church in Guelph, ON.

We are beginning a series of episodes on what our church has called the Four L’s, which have become the foundation for what we do. These Four L's are Liturgy, Living Rooms, Learning Rooms, and Living Missionally.

On this episode we talk about Learning Rooms with help from our friend Jim Klaas. Jim is part of the leadership team and in particular helps to give structure and leadership to our Learning Rooms. We talk about what Learning Rooms are and how they work, and about the experience of learning itself, its importance for growing our spirituality, and for building community.

Connect with us:

-        Our website: www.tworiverschurch.ca

-        By email: podcast@tworiverschurch.ca

Music by Glen Soderholm

Produced by Peter Szabo and Ian Van Harten

Ep. 1 - Our Story

Welcome to Strays, Orphans, and Exiles, a podcast about Two Rivers Church in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

We are a diverse community. Some of us have been connected to church for many years, some have left church but are cautiously returning, others are exploring the Christian faith for the first time.

We sometimes think of ourselves as a collection of strays, orphans, and exiles, exploring together what church looks like in the 21st century.

On this episode, we speak with Glen Soderholm, the pastor and co-founder of Two Rivers Church, to discuss how it started… and why.

Connect with us:

-        Our website: www.tworiverschurch.ca

-        By email: podcast@tworiverschurch.ca

Music by Glen Soderholm

Produced by Peter Szabo and Ian Van Harten