What Kind of Spirit Power?

We have entered the Season of Pentecost, which always starts off with a bang, but, often ends in a whimper. What I mean is that we see the Spirit come upon the original disciples in the Upper Room and think flame, energy, and rising out of the ordinary to impressive feats of ministry. These things can, and do, happen from time to time, we shouldn’t dismiss the possibility and maybe even desire it. That being said, it may also distract us from a different way of thinking about power.

I’m talking about the amazing power to persevere.

To stick with something, to keep on keeping on; we shouldn’t take this for granted. As the church collectively wrings its hands over what it will look like post-pandemic, and as it worries over who will return to the church’s regular rhythms, we might consider that whoever is going to stick it out will have been inspired to do so by the power of the Holy Spirit. Faith represented by dogged commitment and inexplicable devotion to a task is not spectacular, but is most certainly a way in which the Spirit empowers us. These are not small things in days of confusion, crippling doubt, capriciousness, and the precarious nature of employment, markets, and relationships. If you are still following Jesus in the company of the committed once the worst of the pandemic is over, give thanks for the power of the Holy Spirit who has sustained us through it all. GS