The One Who Remains at the Beginning

‘The Christian faith is mysterious not because it is so complicated but because it is so simple. A person does not start with baptism and then advance to a higher mysteries. In baptism each believer already possesses the faith in its fullness. The whole of life is encompassed in the mystery of baptism: dying with Christ and rising with him through the Spirit to the glory of God. That is how the Christian life begins, and to move beyond that beginning is really to regress. In discipleship, the one who makes the most progress is the one who remains at the beginning. And this is where theological thinking comes in handy. Theology does not have all the right answers, but it can help us to contemplate the reality of baptism and to penetrate more deeply into its meaning for life.’

Ben Myers from the Preface to ’The Apostle’s Creed: A Guide to the Ancient Catechism'