In downtown Guelph there has always been a shortage of street parking. This has recently been exacerbated by the blocking off of the Baker St. parking lot as it is being prepared for construction. As people come downtown to shop and work they experience the extreme frustration of having to drive around until they see a spot come available and then try to dash in before someone else snaps it up. The powers that be built a vast parkade a few years back to ameliorate this problem, but very few people see fit to use it; they’d rather circle around until a spot comes available. So, the city has now put up signs downtown - 'Stop circling - head to a parkade!’ I was amused when I first saw those signs - wisdom for life! And I was reminded about what Jesus says to those listening in Matthew 11 - ‘Come to me all you who are weary and carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls; for my yoke is easy, and my burden light (vs. 28 - 30). Jesus has established a parkade for the weary soul that is circling and circling hoping something magical will appear; there’s no magic in his solution - just a compassionate welcome to God’s infinite love and grace where there is more than enough room for you to find the space that you and the world need. GS