Today is the second annual Truth & Reconciliation Day. We would do well to humble ourselves and enter into stories and actions that would connect us to the realities of our history and ongoing relationship with indigenous peoples. The Presbyterian Church in Canada (the denomination to which Two Rivers Church belongs) has worked hard to address its role in the Residential School tragedy and seek forgiveness and reconciliation. You can read more about that at There is also ongoing indigenous ministry described here and supported by Presbyterians Sharing for whichTwo Rivers raises funds annually:
Since 1994, the Presbyterian Church in Canada has been intentional about supporting efforts of confession, truth and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and communities. As a result, Presbyterians Sharing provides funding for nine ministries that operate in and for Indigenous communities in Canada. These nine ministries comprise the National Indigenous Ministry Council.
Each ministry operates under a minister, director, or representative who meets with the Council for mutual care, encouragement and discussion. Though the relationship between the Presbyterian Church in Canada and Indigenous peoples is wrought with history and pain, in part as a result of the Residential Schools, the church is committed to the ongoing process of healing and reconciliation. This is one of several efforts to recognize wrongdoing and prayerfully restore right relationships. The National Indigenous Ministry Council operates to uphold ministries engaging in this important work of sharing the reconciliatory action of Jesus in word and deed.