A New Prayer Plan

At the beginning of Covidtide we established a daily prayer office, sent out four times a day, to keep the Two Rivers community aligned and connected. This was well received, but the technological requirements proved unsustainable (thanks to Jim for all his effort to persevere through this).

I miss it. I also learned something, it was a little ambitious in scope!

Therefore, as we begin Lent, I am proposing a simpler project; to pray a single line twice a day at a prescribed time. I am inviting you all to set your device notifications for 9:00 AM & 9:00 PM and pray this line from Psalm 51: "Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love."

This will suit for the Season of Lent, and we can change it up at strategic times going forward. The hope is that the joining of our prayers will sustain the connection we have with each other and with God, for the sake of the world.

I hope you will join in. GS

Christian Meditation

Signs of life at TRC these days includes a burgeoning interest in Christian Meditation. From our early days we have encouraged and practiced contemplative prayer and activity (Ignatius walks, retreats, cloud gazing, Lectio & Visio Divina, etc). We would bring in Spiritual Director Tarcia Gerwig to teach us how to practice these things, we brought Dan Veldhuis on staff to guide the prayer project in its various dimensions, and one of our 7 basic practices is Prayer. Given that grounding, it's not surprising that some have wanted to go deeper in exploring the part of prayer which involves meditation.

I confess a mild trepidation in talking about this knowing that Jesus taught his followers to not practice their piety before others (Matt.6), but, I feel it's important to report on what I'm observing as an encouragement. We talk a lot here of becoming aware of what God is up to, and joining in on what is happening, so, this is happening! The other language we use from time to time is being a missional/monastic community. The practice of Christian meditation is not solely for the benefit of the individual, or to create isolated spiritual superstars, rather, the deeper connection to the heart and prayer of Jesus releases more fruit for the sake of others, the whole creation, and God's reconciling activity. You're welcome to join in and give it a try. GS