The nexus of Two Rivers Church was a mostly ordinary living room in a mostly ordinary townhouse on a mostly ordinary street in a mostly ordinary city called Guelph. This was just over 10 years ago, so, you could say that, loosely, this is our mostly ordinary 10th anniversary! We are people who celebrate the ordinary, because, we trust that God is always arriving into those ordinary places opening up the possibility that we will notice something is happening that is not immediately obvious to the casual observer. We are talking about the distinct possibility of encounter with the holy. This does not have to be, and rarely is, an earth shattering experience; it is more like an ‘aha', an insight that brings one out of a stupor and into aliveness. We think that the wonderful possibility of more aliveness in Christ is a wonderful thing to discover in the world, and a wonderful thing to offer to the world as well. So this Fall, in our 11th year, we continue to gather in Living Rooms to share these experiences, and to remind each other that they happen more often than we know, and to encourage each other to stay alert to the possibility. We hope you can join us there and get in on the ordinary to discover the extraordinary joy of life with God. GS